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Women Practicing Yoga Outdoor

Health Data

Our Coalition relies on community health reports and data to pinpoint local health priorities and foster a collective awareness of critical health concerns. If you possess valuable community health data, information, or reports, we encourage you to reach out to our CHI leads. Your input plays a pivotal role in shaping our collaborative efforts to enhance community well-being. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us; together, we can make a meaningful impact on our shared health landscape.

healthy family activities in othello, washington

The Healthy Youth Survey (HYS)  shares a snapshot of young people’s health across Washington State.  Findings can guide community health prevention, response, and safety work across the county and within individual schools.

Washington Healthy Youth Survey

County Trends

The Grant County Trends project seeks to improve local, public decision making by providing relevant data in an easily navigable website. The data provided on this website is offered as neutral information.

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